Ceremonial flag of Soyuz MS-12 ISS Expedition 59

Ceremonial flag of Soyuz MS-12 ISS Expedition 59


Ceremonial flag of Soyuz MS-12 ISS Expedition 59.

The size of the flag is 39” x 59 “, double faced.

Soyuz MS-12 emblem is based on the graphic design for the Soyuz MS-10 crew, composed of Alexei Ovchinin and Nicholas Hague. The composition of the new emblem is mirrored relative to the original one, with the name of Christina Cook added to the design. A double border indicates the second attempt of Ovchinin and Hague to achieve orbit. The triangular shape of the emblem personifies the unity of the three members of the spaceship crew which is shown flying above the Earth. The top corner of the emblem indicates the direction upwards, recalling that the crew is flying from Earth to the International Space Station. Behind our blue planet, Russian and American flags are flying, indicating the international character of the flight. The number of stars in the flag of the United States symbolize the number of crew members. A silhouetted owl in flight, symbol of wisdom, spreading its wings against the blackness of space, symbolizes the contribution to science, the achievements of which are multiplied by research on the ISS. The bright golden silhouette of the space station is visible on the right side of the design - the main objective of the crew’s flight. To the left is the Moon - a daunting task and the goal of future research. The Roscosmos logo is at the top of the emblem, above the astronauts' names. The name of the spacecraft is located in the center of the design. 


Soyuz MS-12 was Soyuz spaceflight which launched on 14 March 2019, carrying three members of Expedition 59 crew to ISS. Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksei Ovchinin and NASA astronaut Nick Hague from the ill-fated Soyuz MS-10 mission, this time accompanied by NASA astronaut Christina Koch, lifted off aboard Soyuz MS-12 on March 14, 2019 and successfully entered orbit around nine minutes later.

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